F Major Scale For Guitar TAB, Notation, Scale Pattern & Information. Play The F Major Scale On Your Guitar Today!

A complete guide to playing the F major scale for guitar. F major TAB, notation, and scale patterns / fretboard diagrams for electric, acoustic and classical guitar.

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F Major Scale For Guitar: Introduction

As is the case with most things on guitar, there are several ways of playing a F major scale.

Below you'll find TABs and notation for playing 1, 2 and 3 octave F major scales in a variety of fretboard positions and fingerings.

We've included what we consider to be the 'best' ways of playing the scale, but feel free to experiment with fingering, etc. to find what works for you.

The scales on this page can be played on electric, classical and acoustic guitars.

Beginners should start with the 1 octave open position F major scale . This is the 'standard' way of playing an F major scale. You can then progress to playing F major scales further up the neck and in multiple octaves.

Also on this page is a major scale pattern that can be used to play not only a F major scale, but also every other major scale, simply by moving the fretting hand to different fretboard positions.

  • Additional major scale patterns (and information about major scales) can be found on this page: Major Scale Guitar
  • You can find out more about movable scale patterns on this page: Guitar Scale Patterns

Scale Playing Tips

When playing guitar scales, aim for an even tone and tempo. It is highly beneficial to practice scales with a metronome. Start slowly and only increase the tempo when you can play the scale smoothly, clearly and evenly.

1 Octave Open Position F Major Scale

This is the standard way of playing a 1 octave F major scale on guitar. It uses open strings to give your fretting fingers a rest at certain points in the scale!

F Major Scale For Guitar 1 Octave Open Position

You can also play the scale an octave lower in open position, as shown below:

F Major Scale For Guitar 1 Octave TAB

2 Octave F Major Scale For Guitar in Open Position

Combine the two 1 octave open position scales for a 2 octave scale, as shown in the TAB below:

F Major Scale For Guitar Open Position TAB 2 Octave

Alternative 1-Octave F Major Scale TABs

Below are two alternative ways of playing a 1 octave F major guitar scale. Note that although the notes of the scale are exactly the same as the first 1 octave open position scale, they are being played at different frets on on different strings.

5th Position F Major Scale TAB

F Major Scale 1 Octave TAB 5th Position

7th Position F Major Scale TAB

F Major Scale TAB 7th Position 1 Octave

Note: In guitar music, the Roman numerals above the notation show the fret at which the fretting hand should be positioned. For example, ‘II’ means position your fretting hand so that the index finger is ready to play at the 2nd fret, ‘IV’ means position your fretting hand so that the index finger is ready to play at the 4th fret.

2 Octave F Major Scale

The TAB below shows how the previous TAB can be extended to make a 2-octave scale. You'll have to change fretboard position as you play the scale in order to be able to reach the highest notes.

F Major Guitar Scale TAB 2 Octave 7th Position

3 Octave F Major Scale TAB

Playing a 3-octave F major scale requires a number of fretboard position changes (keep an eye on the Roman numerals – they show you at which position to play).

3 Octave F Major Scale For Guitar TAB

F Major Scale For Guitar Scale Pattern

Below is a pattern for playing a 1 or 2 octave F major scale starting at the 13th fret of the (low) E string.


F Major Guitar Scale Pattern

In the pattern above, the tonic notes of the scale are represented by green circles. The other notes of the scale are represented by black circles.

(The tonic notes of a scale are the ‘name’ notes of the scale, i.e. the ‘F’s in an F major scale, the ‘D’s in a D major scale, etc.)

Play a one-octave scale by starting from the lowest green note and stopping at the next green note. Play a two-octave scale by continuing to the highest green note, as shown in the TAB below.

2 Octave F Major Scale Using Pattern

F Major Guitar TAB 2 Octave

The beauty of movable scale shapes is that once you've learned one shape, you can move it to different fretboard positions in order to play other scales.

For example, by moving the above pattern 2 frets down (i.e. starting at the 8th fret of the bottom E string instead of the 10th fret), and keeping all the fingers in the same position relative to the new starting note, you’d be playing a C major scale.

Likewise, by playing the pattern 2 frets higher (i.e. starting at the 12th fret), you’d be playing an E major scale.

By learning just one pattern, you can quite literally play every major scale! However, most guitarists learn more than one shape for each scale so that they are not restricted to playing the scale at a particular position on the fretboard.

Notes In The F Major Scale

A F major scale, like all major scales, is heptatonic, which means that it contains seven notes before repeating again at the octave.

The notes in a F major scale are: F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F (Octave)

The F major scale contains one flattened note: B flat.

F Major Scale For Guitar: Conclusion

We hope that you've found everything you need on this page in order to be able to play a 1, 2 and 3-octave F major scale on your guitar.

If you have any questions on playing this scale then feel free to ask them in the comments section below; we’d be happy to help. We also welcome any comments or suggestions on how we can make this page even more helpful!

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