Guitar Lessons Brisbane

Guitar Lessons Brisbane - find a guitar teacher Brisbane. One-to-one lessons and group lessons in a range of styles. Whether you want to learn guitar to play in a band, to accompany yourself whilst singing, to perform solo traditional music or play the great classical works, take the first step towards your goal and contact a guitar teacher in Brisbane today.

Guitar Lessons Brisbane Guitar Teacher Directory

Simon Gardner Music School. Brisbane music school offering guitar, bass, piano and vocal tuition. Site.

Russell Neville. Classical, acoustic and electric guitar lessons. Site.

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The Guitar Gym. Private and group guitar lessons Brisbane. Site.

Brisbane Guitar Teacher. Guitar and bass lessons in a range of musical styles. Site.

Chris Campion Guitar School. Guitar lessons in Brisbane. All ages, beginners to advanced. Site.

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Guitar Lessons Brisbane List Info

The Guitar Teacher Directory is provided for information only and the owners of accept no responsibility for the quality of services provided by, or for the actions / conduct of, those listed on this site. Please also refer to this website's terms of use. Please exercise due care when meeting in person anyone you have contacted over the internet.

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Guitar Lessons Brisbane
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Guitar Teacher Brisbane Information.

Most guitar teachers teach a range of styles on both electric and acoustic guitars. The basics of guitar playing are the same whatever kind of music, or instrument, is being played. However, some techniques and skills are specific to particular styles, so make sure that the teacher provides tuition in your chosen field. Classical guitar has its own technique and if you want to learn this style of playing it is a good idea to contact a specialist teacher. However, many rock / pop guitar teachers can also teach classical guitar to a high standard, so get in touch with prospective tutors to see what they can offer. Take guitar lessons Brisbane and improve your playing today.

Guitar Command

Guitar Command produce a range of high-quality guitar backing tracks and other guitar-based publications. is a leading source of guitar information.